Associate Professor of SumDU’s Academic and Research Institute of Law Participates in Training on European Practices of Prior Learning Recognition at Jagiellonian University

From September 3 to 6, Associate Professor of the Department of Fundamental Jurisprudence and Constitutional Law at SumDU’s Academic and Research Institute of Law, Olga Stohova, participated in an international training held at Jagiellonian University (Kraków, Poland). The training was organized within the framework of the project “Qualifications Recognition Support for Ukrainian Universities,” funded by the European Education and Culture Executive Agency.

The primary goal of the event was to familiarize Ukrainian educators with European standards and practices for recognizing prior learning outcomes. The participants had the opportunity to delve into the experiences of universities from Estonia, Ireland, Poland, and Portugal in this field. Each country presented unique approaches to recognizing qualifications, which enhances student mobility and integration into the European Higher Education Area.

During the training, key aspects of recognizing non-formal and informal education were discussed, along with accreditation processes for academic programs, which are crucial for the further development of Ukrainian universities in the face of modern challenges. Olga Stohova plans to implement the acquired knowledge and experience into the educational process at SumDU’s Academic and Research Institute of Law, particularly in the development of the constitutional law program and the introduction of European standards into Ukraine’s higher education system.